Farm Pick-up & Location
  • Please place your order at least 24 hours in advance
  • How much will it weigh?  2-3 lbs per square foot; 20-30 lbs per roll; 1,200-1,500 lbs per 500 sq ft (1 pallet) - depending on moisture content.
  • Price is 30 cents per square foot (any amount, no minimum).
  • We are not responsible for any damages to your vehicle.
  • We can load your truck or trailer with our forklift. Pallets are 4 x 4 ft. See pictures below.
  • For small amounts we can help you load it by hand.
  • Pallets and tubes require a $10 deposit which will be refunded upon their return.

A midsize truck can take up to 400 sq ft. If the bed is less than 4 x 4 ft, the rolls must be loaded by hand (25-40 lb each depending on moisture). A full-size 1/2 ton truck can carry up to 700 sq ft. A 1-ton truck could carry 1200 sq ft. Bed must be at least 4 x 8 ft to load 2 pallets.

A standard-sized dump truck can hold about 1500 sq ft.
Trailers with sides must be loaded from the rear; ramps or gates would need to be removed. The trailor pictured above could hold about 500 sq ft; with two axles, it could hold about 1000 sq ft.
Pallets can be loaded onto a trailer without sides.


Farm Pickup is available Mon-Fri 8a-4p, Sat 7a-8:30a, and Sunday by appointment in Canterbury, CT

Click here for Price List

Our address is:
168 South Canterbury Road
Canterbury, CT 06331

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